Sports Related Pain


Treatment for sports related pain in South Bristol

At the Bristol Back Pain Clinic, our osteopaths and chiropractors are experts in assessing, diagnosing and treating all types of musculoskeletal conditions (problems with the joints, ligaments, tendons and nerves of the body).

Focus on sports related pain

Whether you’re an elite athlete, an enthusiastic amateur or someone who enjoys a bit of recreational exercise now and again, your body is susceptible to the same aches and pains. This is because repetitive sporting activity can have an impact on the correct movement in the bones of your spine and joints, which can in turn affect the functionality of your muscles and nerves.

Types of sports related pain

We see patients with a wide range of sporting issues from muscle spasms, cramps and tennis or golfer’s elbow to those suffering with pain in the shoulder, neck, back, hip, knee, ankle sprains and more. However, joint and muscle pain is not the only problem for sports enthusiasts. Many amateurs and professionals also consult a chiropractor or osteopath if they they hit a wall when it comes to their sport and cannot further improve their performance no matter how much effort and training they put in.

Treatment for sports related pain

Chiropractor Harry Kauntze explains how we can help: “At the Bristol Back Pain Clinic we understand there is nothing more frustrating than not being able to play your sport and are dedicated to finding the cause of your pain. We will carry out a full examination as well as discussing your sporting life, posture, medical history and lifestyle, to enable us to establish the cause of your pain. Once a diagnosis has been made, we will put together a treatment and rehabilitation plan tailored to your individual needs and designed to provide pain relief, restore normal function and help get you back on track.


Osteopaths and chiropractors use a range of proven techniques to provide effective treatment of sports related pain including joint mobilisations or adjustments, stretching and massage techniques, nutritional advice, relaxation techniques, home stretches and exercises. If required we can also order MRI and Xrays to assist diagnosis.


Maintenance treatment

Once the issue has been resolved, we can also provide regular maintenance treatment to help our active patients keep their bodies functioning at their best.


See why patients love Bristol Back Pain Clinic

“Harry is superb! I attended his clinic with pretty serious lower back and calves strain which was hampering my running, training and drumming activities. From the get go Harry was transparent with costs and length of treatment. His treatment sessions are always very effective, so much so I am now completely recovered to a point where my back is better than it has been for many years…this has increased my fitness again as I am able to run long training sessions again without an ounce of back pain, it’s fantastic! With a stretching programme supplied by Harry I maintain my lower back flexibility and attend the Bristol Back Pain clinic on occasion for maintenance treatment sessions.”
“From being virtually bent double, unable to stand for long and unable to walk more than a few yards, I’m now back in training and running. Would definitely recommend!”