Treatment for sciatica in South Bristol
At the Bristol Back Pain Clinic, our osteopaths and chiropractors are experts in assessing, diagnosing and treating all types of musculoskeletal conditions (problems with the joints, ligaments, tendons and nerves of the body).

Sciatica symptoms
Starting at the back of your pelvis and running through your buttocks and all the way down both legs, ending at the feet, the sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in your body. Sciatica refers to any sort of pain that is caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve, and due to the length of the nerve, sciatica pain can radiate from the lower back, down along the legs and calves and even into the feet and toes.
Symptoms of sciatica include pain, numbness, a tingling sensation radiating from the lower back and travelling down one of the legs to the foot and toes, and muscle weakness (in the calf muscles or the muscles that move the foot and ankle). Pain can range from mild to severe.
Sciatica treatment guidelines
NICE (GP guidelines) recommend manual therapy (spinal manipulation, mobilisation or soft tissue techniques such as massage) alongside exercise as part of a treatment package for managing low back pain with sciatica.
Treatment for sciatica
Harry Kauntze, chiropractor at The Bristol Back Pain Clinic explains how treatment can help with sciatic pain: “Identifying the cause of the sciatica is the first step, and once this has been established, our chiropractors and osteopaths will use a range of safe and gentle treatment techniques to help ease the pain. These include: a combination of highly specific manual techniques such as mobilisations and manipulations of stiff joints, muscles and tendons followed by a rehabilitation exercise programme and lifestyle advice to help prevent the problem reoccurring.”