Posture & Work Related Pain


Treatment for posture or work related pain in South Bristol

At The Bristol Back Pain Clinic our chiropractors and osteopaths treat a wide variety of problems from back, neck and shoulder pain to headaches and migraine. More often than not, posture is the common cause.

Focus on posture related pain

Harry Kauntze, chiropractor at the Bristol Back Pain Clinic explains: “The human spine forms a double S shaped curve which is perfectly designed for active living. However increasingly our postures are changing as we adapt to our modern technology driven world and often more sedentary lifestyles. These changes in our body posture, caused by long periods of inactivity i.e. when using computers, tablets or phones for prolonged periods daily, or sitting in a car or at a desk for a long time without breaks, can increase the stresses on different parts of our spines. This strain can accumulate over days, months and years, leading to pain.”


Pain is a sign that the body, especially your spine can no longer cope and can have a huge impact on day to day life.


In fact, back, neck and muscle pain is the primary cause of absence from work according to the Office for National Statistics.

Treatment for posture & work related pain

Harry describes how treatment can help: “The good news is that postural problems are highly treatable. They are typically addressed by realigning the spine so your body can function properly again. However, identifying the cause of pain and giving our patients a clear explanation of the problem and how we can treat it are always the first steps to recovery.”


The Bristol Back Pain Clinic has a drug free approach, focusing instead on understanding the causes of pain and addressing them with a range of effective treatments to provide long term relief. These include joint mobilisations or adjustments, stretching and massage techniques, nutritional advice, relaxation techniques, home stretches and exercises. If required we can also order MRI and Xrays to assist diagnosis.


See why patients love Bristol Back Pain Clinic

“When I first went to the clinic, I could barely walk from a disc problem. Harry was very sympathetic and clearly explained what was going on with my back. The treatment has been wonderful and my back and general posture have improved greatly. Harry is very understanding and friendly and I would recommend this clinic for treatment as well as a developing a greater understanding and awareness of your own posture.”
“I have suffered with postural back pain issues for years. The BBPC was recommended to me by a friend and I’m glad I visited. After discussing my problems, a treatment plan was agreed and I had immediate relief after the first visit. After only a short number of weeks, I am now almost completely pain free.”